IRDS Data Resources

IRDS produces self-service data resources for our campus and community partners in order to provide insights on desired metrics.

Resource Menu

This list of resources contains links to all of IRDS' dashboards, publications, and other analytical tools. This should be your initial destination for reports your unit might be considering requesting, as others might have already requested the same information!

Clarification regarding levels of access:

  • Public: These resources are available to the general public and do not require a VCU login.
  • Faculty + Staff: Access to these resources is given to individuals on a rolling basis. If you believe you should have access to one of these resources but do not, contact your department's HR representative.
  • Upon Request: Individuals with a legitimate business need may request access to these resources through the IRDS data request form.
  • Restricted: These resources are intended for a limited audience.

Resource menu

Legacy dashboards

IRDS maintains a web presence for other units' dashboards, including:

  • Human Resources
  • Department Profiles
  • Principal Investigator
  • Finance
  • Research Financial Award
  • REAL
  • First Destination Survey

Individuals must be logged into their VCU account to access these dashboards.