Academic Analytics

VCU utilizes Academic Analytics to provide strategic support for its faculty. With data from 472 universities and 227,000 faculty members, Academic Analytics is a powerful tool that allows VCU to set aspirational benchmarks and compare its scholarship to other institutions. This helps VCU build areas of academic expertise within all disciplines.

Academic Analytics is useful for:

  • Identifying relevant grant opportunities for faculty
  • Facilitating collaboration of faculty engaged in similar research themes
  • Identifying potential mentors to support emerging scholars and mid-career faculty
  • Identifying high-performing faculty for proactive retention
  • Identifying university-wide areas of scholarly excellence
  • Identifying current and aspirational peers at both the university and discipline level
  • Facilitating scholarly activity, impact and career success

Prohibited uses for Academic Analytics:

  • Informing faculty evaluations
  • Informing salary or merit changes
  • Swaying retention, promotion or tenure decisions
  • Comparing disciplines within VCU

Because the information provided by Academic Analytics can be filtered to the individual level, it is vitally important that access is secured. Academic Analytics access will be granted to academic deans, department chairs, designated faculty and support staff after completing the requisite training.

Additional resources:

Accessing Academic Analytics

Users must submit a request to gain access to Academic Analytics, either by completing the appropriate electronic DocuSign form or submitting a fillable PDF through DocuSign. Instructions for both options are included in the form instructions link below.


Fillable PDF

Access documentation: